I started my career in theater, went through photography, worked as a camera man covering hardnews, until I got to directing in audiovisual. Since then, I have directed works of different formats and durations, with different goals, including feature-length documentaries and fiction. Many of these projects were fully copyrighted, including two more recent TV series: On Wheels Latin America and Taste Budies – the latter already in season two.
I also directed programs and series proposed by TV channels and production companies such as Conspiracy Films, Canal Futura, Ocean Films, Discovery Channel, Canal Curta! and TV Globo. This trajectory gave me a vast experience with professional and amateur actors, but also a lot of tranquility and pleasure in working with people we invited to live their own role, in front of the cameras.
I filmed in different places and situations, developing a lot of practice with travel recordings, especially with a small crew.
I also worked as an editor and that’s why I like to participate in editing and finishing, because I believe that every detail is important to transform a good idea into a vibrant, sensitive, fun or reflective film.


Thirteen children live unique experiences in their lives when they set out to get to know each other’s homes, habits, activities and culture. From an indigenous village to Lagoa de Abaeté, from the beaches of the Northeast to the hinterland, from a village in Espírito Santo to a farm in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, or from a circus in São Paulo to a farm in the interior of Bahia, the series “My Home, Our World” visits special places, revealing the lives of their little inhabitants and expanding the world of those making their first big trip.
Production: Abbas Filmes
Exhibition: TV Brasil
Three times Best Player of the Year, winner of the Golden Ball, as well as leader and top scorer of two World Cups. Phenomenon is his new name, but behind the fame there is man. Before fortune, a life of hardship. But determination and talent meant that the poor boy’s fate did not come true, and Ronaldo became a legend.
Production: Animals&Objects
Exhibition: Vaunt Channel
The series rescues stories of people who went through tragic situations, but survived to give their testimony. In this episode – Air Impact – a plane crashes in the middle of Mexico City at rush hour, killing dozens. Two men survive, but with more than 70% of their bodies burned.
Production: Conspiracy Films
Exhibit: Discovery Channel
By pulling, pushing or pedaling, they make their living on the streets of cities on the South American continent. The series establishes a relationship between the movement of the wheel and the inconstancy of life itself, particularly those who are led to use their ability to improvise on a daily basis to ensure their survival.
Production: Abbas Filmes, Ocean Films and Turner
Exhibition: Canal Futura, TV Brasil, CineBrasil TV and Turner Channels
The series rescues stories of people who went through tragic situations, but survived to give their testimony. In this episode – Collapse in Cinelândia – the fall of a building in Rio de Janeiro causes a construction worker to be trapped inside the elevator for six hours, until he is rescued by firefighters.
Production: Conspiracy Films
Exhibit: Discovery Channel
In each episode, anthropologist Milton Guran invites a photographer to recreate an image that has marked the history of Brazilian photography. “Instantes Cruzados recreates part of the country’s history, while discussing photography and the inspirations that contributed to the creation of each one’s language”, says the presenter.
Production: Ocean Films
Exhibition: Short Channel
Taste Budies portrays street vendors who prepare and sell typical food on the streets of their cities. This season we are going to get to know the good popular gastronomy of Belém, Salvador, Aracaju, Maceió, Recife, Natal, Rio and São Paulo.
Production: Abbas Filmes
Exhibition: CineBrasil TV
Tainá lives in the Amazon Forest with his wise grandfather Tigê. When rescuing Catú, a monkey captured by Shoba, an animal trafficker, she is chased and arrested, until she meets Joninho, a boy who comes from São Paulo. Together, the two will have to learn to live together, and then fight together to preserve the wild animals.
Realization: Tietê Productions
Exhibition: Movie Theater
Two women, two realities: Rosa is the boss, Arlete the maid. Despite living two realities, they share the same drama: the loss of control over their children’s lives, young people who begin to chart their own destinies without being aware of the risks they run.
Production: Abbas Filmes
The series rescues stories of people who went through tragic situations, but survived to give their testimony. In this episode – Divers in Bahia – three friends are shipwrecked in a storm, and spend more than 26 hours floating adrift on the high seas.
Production: Conspiracy Films
Exhibit: Discovery Channel
In 2005, the Year of Brazil in France, singer-songwriter Leoni invited a group of Ashaninka Indians to participate in a concert in Paris. This trip was documented, and the show’s DVD was released the following year.
Co-director – Roberto Berliner
Production – TV Zero
Series on popular Brazilian gastronomy in which we follow the journey of itinerant chefs, who prepare and sell typical foods in the streets of their cities, approaching the relationship between food and regional history and culture.
Production: Abbas Filmes
Exhibition: TV Brasil and CineBrasil TV
The series rescues stories of people who went through tragic situations, but survived to give their testimony. In this episode – Divers in Bahia – three friends are shipwrecked in a storm, and spend more than 26 hours floating adrift on the high seas.
Production: Conspiracy Films
Exhibit: Discovery Channel
Produced within the scope of the Comprehensive Health Care Course for rural, forest and water populations, this series was conceived to respond to the need for permanent training of health professionals working in the SUS, giving visibility to the different realities and forms of work on disease prevention, health promotion and improvement in the quality of life of these populations.
Production – UNASUS/Fiocruz Mato Grosso do Sul and Video Saúde Distribuidora
Exhibition: Channel UNA-SUS (Open University of SUS), platform created by the Ministry of Health in 2010
José Zagati, a cardboard collector in Sitio das Madres, on the outskirts of São Paulo, set up a small movie theater in his garage. Built entirely from materials found in the trash – including 16mm projectors! – Zagati shows a multitude of films for the children in the neighborhood. The session is on Sundays, and starts as soon as it gets dark, but only if it doesn’t rain: the projector is left unprotected on the sidewalk so that it has enough distance from the screen. And, of course, admission is free!


Prêmios Sergio Bloch


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Rio de janeiro Brazil